🔠 Linear Algebra

Linear Algebra - [ 03. Multiplication and Inverse Matrices ]

Jun 9, 2023
Linear Algebra
Multiplication and Inverse Matrices
🔠 Linear Algebra
Jul 28, 2023 07:29 AM
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The rules for matirx multiplication

The interesting part is the many ways I can do it, and they all give the same answer. And they’re all important. Matrix multiplication and then, come inverses.
I’ll begin with how to multiply two matrices.
  1. Regular way
      notion image
      But, I want to talk about other ways to look at that same calculation. Looking at whole columns and whole rows.
  1. Look at it by column
      notion image
      columns of C are combinations of columns of A. ⇒ A column 의 길이도 m, C columns 길이도 n
  1. Look at it by row
      notion image
      rows of C are combinations of rows of B.
  1. AB = sum of (cols of A) x (rows of B)
    1. column of A x row of B
        columns of the answer : They’re all multiples of (columns of A) rows of the answer : They’re all multiples of (rows of B)
        All those rows lie on the some line through (1, 6). If I draw a picture of all these row vectors, they’re all the same direction. If I draw a picture of all these columns vectors, they’re all the same direction.
    2. sum of (cols of A) x (rows of B)
  1. Block multiplication
    1. I could also cut the matrix into blocks. And do the multiplication by blocks. That’s actually so useful that I want to mention it.
      notion image
어쨌든 위의 5가지 방식 전부 같은 multiplications. 그리고 1번이 what we’re really doing when we do it. So, I just have to get the rules straight for matrix multiplication.

Inverses (square matrices)

If A inverse exists, A == invertible, non-singular.
And singular means no inverses.
I can find a Vector X ≠ 0 with A X = 0
Thoses two columns both lie on the same line. Every combination is just going to be on that line and I can’t get (1, 0)
⇒ non-invertible matrices, sigular matrices, some combinations of their columns gives the zero column. ⇒ A X = 0 (X≠0) 에서 역행렬 곱해도 X=0 에서 벗어날 수 없다. 그러므로 역행렬이 있을 수 없다.

Gauss - Jordan

Looking at that equation by columns → A x column j of A inverse = column j of I We’re back to solving systems of equations, but we’re solving two-right hand sides instead of one.
⇒ That’s where Jordan comes in.
Here’s the Gauss-Jordan idea.
Gauss-Jordan (solve 2eqns at once)
‘E A = I’ tells us E = A inverse.
So, ‘? = E = A inverse’
There is the statement of Gauss-Jordan elimination. That’s how to find the inverse.